Friday 3 October 2014

Conventions of Action Films

  •         Protagonist gets shot in the stomach; perfectly fine.
  •        Evil henchman gets shot in the foot; instantly dead.
  •         Unlimited ammo.
  •         A bomb is diffused with one second left.
  •          Explosion with no adverse effect to anyone.
  •        Unnecessarily chiselled good guy with a six pack made of concrete.
  •         Equally unattractive bad guy. If he’s ugly he must be evil!
  •          Big guns.
  •         Car chases.
  •         Veteran cop/solider.
  •         One last mission.
  •        Women being useless.
  •         Women being objects.
  •         Conversely, women being badass and beating up 7ft bodybuilders.
  •         The hero ‘dying’ only come back at a crucial moment.
  •         Happy ending.
  •         Having a weak/useless yet loveable sidekick who finds his courage.
  •          More explosions.
  •         Villain capturing hero and explaining his plan, only to have the hero escape.
  •         British/Eastern European villains.
  •      Enigma codes.
  •         Villain falling into/off something while screaming something along the lines of ‘This isn’t over!’

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