Thursday 9 October 2014

Opening of an Action Film- The Dark Knight Rises

   The Dark Knight Rises is established as an action film from the very first shot. A group of four serious looking, soldier-type men in a jeep. Even those three things strongly indicate the film's genre, as they are all conventions of action. If that wasn't enough, the next shot is filled with a huge army-type plane. It is also shot from a low angle which makes it seem bigger and implies it is important.
   Throughout the scene there is non-diegetic music that is tense and fast. This builds up excitement and implies that the scene is building to something.
   As the scene progresses, we begin to get an impression of the characters. Firstly, we have the CIA agent played by Aidan Gillen. From his superior and obnoxious attitude, we can assume that he is going to get killed. After a bit more shouting and intimidating, we are introduced to our antagonist, Bane, played by Tom Hardy. It is plain to see he is the villain because ha has an English accent. While this doesn't automatically make him a bad guy it is strongly implied.

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