Thursday 23 October 2014

What Are You Doing Here?

  This is the first video we have made for this course, an its also the first video any of us have made at all. For the video, we focused on using different camera angles, and also the quality of the editing.
  To film the video, we used a small, non-professional GE DV1 camera. Though we weren't too worried about it being HD, I think this camera has a good balance between quality and ease of use. To improve the quality of the filming, I think the camera could have been held steadier.
  To edit the footage, we used Adobe Premiere 10. Similarly to the camera, the software strikes a good balance between being simple to use and professional enough to get a good quality final product. During editing, we used tools like titles and cuts.
  The sound in the clip consists of no non-diegetic sound. We chose to leave the title without sound or music for dramatic effect, as it matches the simplistic style of the titles themselves. As far as diegetic sound goes, it consists of the repetition of the line "What are you doing here?". This is a good example of how the same line can be used to have multiple meanings, i.e in the first clip it is used to show surprise, in the second it is confusion, and in the last it is a threat.
  The main thing we focused on in the video was the camera angles. The three shots we used were an over-the-shoulder, a low angle and a high angle. I think we were successful in our use of camera angles, because each shot gives a different feeling. the low angle makes the characters look big, the high angle makes them look small and insignificant, and most effectively the over-the-shoulder shot gives a sense of mystery as to who the other character is.

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